
Tiferet Live in Concert: Seattle was sponsored by the Bet Alef Meditative Synagogue, a local Jewish community with roots in mystical Judaism and meditative, chant-based practices. Directed by Stephen Merritt, Bet Alef’s original music director, the 11 track cd features the 24 member chorale group with backing instrumentation.

While straightforward in that the project was a simply packaged cd, the nature of the music and the spiritualism of the group imbued the the piece with gravitas. The cover graphic is inspired by mandalas, a symbol of spirit in communion with the earth, and it gives life to Tiferet’s vision of music as a unifying voice for our common humanity. In keeping with the solemnity of the concert, the liner notes, interior, and back cover have a classic treatment of text and black and white event photography, keeping the music as the focal point. 1

  • Categories: Packaging
  • Client: Tiferet